Spindle Love

I haven’t talked about spinning here in awhile, but the scent of spring–which in my brain leads directly to summer and the Tour de Fleece–is in the air, and I’m getting the itch. Plus, I was lucky enough to get several new Jenkins Turkish spindles recently, so that’s probably another reason I’ve …

Knit Potion

I don’t seem to be able to language lately, but knitting goes on. Exhibit A (etc.): Cabled Fingerless Mitts for Cari . . . That’s actually Cari’s hand wearing the mitt, which just happens to match her mug with knitted cables on it. AND she’s knitting! In other words, this picture equals a …

Happy Friday!

Since the current state of knitting here at Chez Knit Potion is mostly my looking longingly at my WIPs while I remind myself to get back to work, I thought I’d take a page out of last week’s book and share some of the  fun links I’ve come across online over the last few …

Heading Out

Last night, we went out to dinner for the first time in ages and then went to a play. A friend had one of the lead roles, so it was a special occasion. I had a fancy cocktail: What? You didn’t think I’d leave my knitting at home, did you? …

Knitting On

Finished up my Week 6 Geek-A-Long square! This is Katamari-Damarcy. I have no idea what the game is all about, but I liked Katamari, so here he is. (I think he’s a he.) And here are all of my squares so far: I’m still having fun with this, but I …

Don’t Ask, Walk!

No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life. There may be countless trails and bridges and demigods who would gladly carry you across; but only at the price of pawning and forgoing yourself. There is one path in the …

Sum Sum Summertime

Eek! How’d we get to Wednesday already? And while we’re at it, how is it that the kids are already going back to school?! It seems so early, but a lot of the schools in our area are starting this week. Time flies, for sure. This was the view from …

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