Knit Potion

I don’t seem to be able to language lately, but knitting goes on.

Exhibit A (etc.): Cabled Fingerless Mitts for Cari . . . That’s actually Cari’s hand wearing the mitt, which just happens to match her mug with knitted cables on it. AND she’s knitting! In other words, this picture equals a whole bunch of happy for me.


Fetching Mitts for Liz:


Annual Christmas dishcloths for my Dad:


Double Knit Cap for my godson Finn:



Elevation Hat for my cousin Randy (modeled by Paul):

Solidarity, my knitters!


    • melinda

      Heeeey, Paula! Thanks for commiserating. It’s nice to know I’m not alone. 🙂

      Maybe everything is just percolating and at some point we’ll come out with something amazing. Lol!

Talk to me!

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