Still Yarning Along . . .

Despite the sad demise of the Yarn Along, knitting and reading continue as always here at Casa Knit Potion. It was cause for celebration when Anne Lamott’s new book arrived on my doorstep the day before yesterday. Here’s the quote from the back cover: I’m not sure I even recognize the ever-presence of …

Yarn Along

I’m racing a storm to get this posted before the power goes out, so I’ll just leave this with no additional commentary other than that I highly recommend both the pattern, Inlet, and the book, Michael Pollan’s Second Nature!     P.S. Doh! I’m a day early!!!! I’ll update tomorrow with …

Yarn Along

I really love the Wednesday Yarn Along. Ginny Sheller hosts this weekly what-you’re-knitting and what-you’re-reading photo op on her blog, Small Things. Stop by for links to what are usually close to a hundred blog posts on the topic. It’s guaranteed to give you a lift. This week I’m reading If Nights …

The Yarn Along

  Do you know about the Yarn Along? It’s a project started by Ginny Sheller, creator of the blog Small Things, and it speaks to the fact that many devoted knitters are also passionate readers. I’m not sure how to account for this, but my own experience bears it out. And it’s …

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