Yarn Along: Inlet and The Yellow Birds

Reading and knitting are both turning out to be deeply rewarding this week. A good friend told me about The Yellow Birds by Kevin Powers. My godson was reading it for school, and my friend decided to read along with him. I should mention that she is one of the very few people whose reading recommendations I accept without question. She said the book was a must read and shared the following comment from the author.

“The impulse to write The Yellow Birds came from a desire to look for some truth that I hoped could be found at the core of that most extreme of human experiences [war]. I also thought that by placing the emphasis on the language, using it to demonstrate the main character’s perpetual, unbearable sense of awe and wonder, I’d have at least a chance of connecting to another human being on an emotional level. I wanted to engage with the imagination above all else, because I believe that empathy is an imaginative act.”

I ordered the book right away, and I started reading it today. As always, my friend was right. The first sentence blew me away, and it’s been like that every page since. The writing is absolutely incredible.

My knitting has been on Inlet. Peace Fleece is one of my favorite yarns, and this “Mourning Dove” colorway is gorgeous. It changes depending on the light, so every time I look at it, it’s like I’m seeing something new. I’ve just started the waist shaping on the back. Generally, I don’t do a lot of shaping, but it turns out I’m kind of enjoying it with this.

Be well, my friends! And stop by the Small Things blog to see what other people are knitting and reading this week.


    • melinda

      Yes! I think so too. I love the suggestion that empathy is an action you can take and not just a reaction that you have or don’t have. It’s so nice when you comment, Shirley. You always give me something to think about. Thank you. ❤️

  1. Great post. Love a good book and love a recommendation. My sis in law and I swap book titles all the time, occasionally those go into my book club ‘pot’ too. Love the small things blog – thanks for the recommendation there. So happy to discover like minded crafting souls on line! Happy reading and knitting. (Personally, currently got a pile of books next to the bed, just can’t decide on what one to start next. Do you ever find that after finishing one you can’t start another?)

    • melinda

      Thank you! Isn’t it the best thing to have other readers you trust to swap with? There’s nothing like a personal recommendation. It’s funny that you mention the process of ending one book and starting another. I’ve always felt sort of superstitious about it, like if I didn’t have a book going the universe might take that opportunity to snatch me away. Lol! Because of that, I start a new one immediately. Come to think of it, I guess I do that with knitting too!

  2. Two things speak to me, always; good writing and knitting, thank you for sharing both! I love your blog; the first photo is striking and hooked me right away! Found you over at Yarn Along, and I am so glad I followed the link; new knitting blog to explore…a perfect way to begin a rainy Friday.

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