
How does this happen? I mean, thank goodness it happens eventually rather than not happening at all, but how can it be that there is some amazing thing or person or idea in the world that everyone has known about and loved and been amazed by since forever but of …


I finally have pictures of my 28thirty cardigan to share! This was a lot of fun to knit. I copied Barefoot Rooster’s version exactly in terms of the yarn choice and button color, and I love the outcome! My only slight reservation is that the finished sweater is a little …

The Frog And The Rat

One of the most amazing things about reading happens when you come upon a passage that puts into words one of your personal truths. You know those times? When things you know in your bones but have never had the language to articulate are suddenly there on the page? When …

Chickens and Eggs

Yesterday, I finished the left arm of the 28thirty cardigan. One arm to go. No pictures, but I should have lots of pics of the finished sweater to show you soon. The day was so beautiful that when I got through with work I went outside to catch up on …

Llamas and Peacocks and Puppies! Oh, My!

Happily, llama shearing on Tuesday turned out to be a mostly dry affair. Rain threatened all afternoon but only actually materialized for about ten minutes. Nineteen llamas started out sporting a full year’s growth of fiber, and by the time the end of the day rolled around, they were each …

Let It Rain

It’s a rainy day on the mountain. The weather here is almost always interesting. Everything seems to happen on a bigger scale than it did when we lived in the suburbs. It’s pretty wonderful. The not so wonderful part will be the llama shearing in the downpour that is supposed …

Picture Day

  The weather is beeeeeautiful here today! It’s so nice that I spent several hours outside putzing around the yard and wandering off taking pictures even though I had work to do. I promised dogwood photos a couple of days ago, and here they are. The pink ones are new to …

This Shawl!

  Spring has come to the mountains! It was 85 degrees today, and the dogwoods are blooming. I need to take a picture of them to show you. They were blooming when we moved here two years ago, and it seemed like a good omen—first, because anything having to to do …

Drive By

This is just a quicky post because it’s been WAY too long. And I have pictures! It’s finally sunny enough outside to get some shots of the Honey Cowl . . .     This was a super fast, fun knit, and the yarn (the COLOR!) set off about a …

Wool You Be My Valentine?

  Happy Valentine’s Day, knitters! This valentine is from a Ravelry friend. It made me smile this morning before I’d even finished my coffee. Hope it makes you smile too. My knitting is mostly therapeutic these days because it’s finals week, and on top of that, I’ve been traveling some. …