Drive By

This is just a quicky post because it’s been WAY too long. And I have pictures! It’s finally sunny enough outside to get some shots of the Honey Cowl . . .


Honey Cowl 2 web


This was a super fast, fun knit, and the yarn (the COLOR!) set off about a 67 zillion endorphin explosions in my brain. I think the happiness will last for at least ten years.


Honey Cowl 6 web


Maybe fifteen . . .


Honey Cowl 1 web


And this guy is in the news:


Screen Shot 2015 03 18 at 10 45 25 AM


This is Ray Knight. He’s knitting 100 poppies to contribute to the Anzac Day 2015 poppy project going on in Melbourne. He’s been knitting since he was 10 years old: “For the last six decades I’ve been doing this, it’s like getting out of bed and putting your shoes and socks on!” I LOVE that Ray Knight is out there. Can you imagine what 60 years of knitting has seen him through? He’s one of many, of course, but that makes it no less wonderful to learn about him.

More soon! Knit on!!


  1. Love the Honey Cowl, isn’t it a fun knit? Those are great (quick, easy, fun!) to make as gifts!! That explosive dark magenta is about the only pink I like, and I DO like that color – and it’s just perfect for you!!

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