Let It Rain

It’s a rainy day on the mountain. The weather here is almost always interesting. Everything seems to happen on a bigger scale than it did when we lived in the suburbs. It’s pretty wonderful. The not so wonderful part will be the llama shearing in the downpour that is supposed to happen this afternoon. We’re helping out a llama owning friend. It’s okay, though. We love her. I’ll take pictures.


I don’t think I’ve told you about my Australian yarn purchase yet. We’re having a sweater KAL in my favorite Ravelry group. It’s going to be warming up outside as I work on this sweater, and it’ll definitely be warm by the time I can wear it, so I wanted to knit something in the light and summery category. Add to this that I’m seriously missing working on the lace shawl I finished a few weeks ago, and lace was the obvious conclusion. I settled on CeCe by Bonne Marie Burns. 

A lot of people have knit this in cotton, which seems like a great idea, but I just finished the cotton shawl, so my wool jones is more pronounced than usual. I decided to indulge myself and go with some yummy Madelinetosh Pashmina. But what color? Long story short – it seemed like every time I found a colorway I thought would be perfect, no one had enough skeins in stock. I finally decided it was Antique Lace or die, and I looked and looked and finally found it. Order placed. Happy me. Visions of wearing elegantly not-quite-white, lacy summer sweater to upcoming wedding, fancy dinner . . . Then, I got the confirmation email and had a stroke. 

First, I hadn’t realized the yarn was coming from a shop based in Melbourne. Australia! Second, apparently the shop didn’t realize I was nine thousand miles away either. The shipping charge that showed up when I was checking out was a normal ten bucks or so, but when I got the order confirmation, the shipping was listed as nearly $50! It was a dark night at Casa Knit Potion for awhile, but I finally decided it was worth the $50 to get the yarn. That was April 1 – ha! I just realized. Wouldn’t it be awesome if the whole thing were an April Fool’s joke and there was a $40 refund in my package when it finally gets here?! Anyhoo, stay tuned. There will pictures and celebrating when the package in question finally arrives.

In the meantime, look what I did on 28thirty:

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Two garter stitches in a sea of stockinette. Really?

Oh, well. What’s a little knitting oops among friends, right? At least it was a quick fix. Most of last night went like this: 

IMG 2003

My Lola pie is a little under the weather, so we’re cuddling and knitting which makes everything better.


  1. Make sure you save a bit of that yarn for deep coma resuscitation! It sounds lovely, and a great piece to wear to the wedding in October. (they better stay together, by the way, since the wedding is causing you to miss our fiber retreat). I hope Lola feels better soon.

    • melinda

      Haha! This one is actually for a wedding in May. I think it’ll be too cold for lace in Chicago in October. Might have to knit something else for that one. 😉

      I’ll tell Lola you’re sending good vibes. That’ll make her feel better, for sure.

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