The weather is beeeeeautiful here today! It’s so nice that I spent several hours outside putzing around the yard and wandering off taking pictures even though I had work to do.
I promised dogwood photos a couple of days ago, and here they are. The pink ones are new to me since we moved to Appalachia. There aren’t as many of them as there are of the white ones, but they still seem to be everywhere.
The other thing I took pics of besides the dogwoods was my 28thirty cardigan. As you can see, I still have about a third of the body to go, plus the sleeves. The pattern is actually written for a cropped sweater, but I couldn’t imagine ever wearing that style, so I’m making mine longer.
I wondered whether or not to do body shaping but eventually decided against it. Hopefully, it won’t end up looking baggy. I’m actually copying this gorgeous sweater by Barefoot Rooster on Ravelry. It’s by far my favorite of all the finished ones posted.
As a happy side benefit of emailing Barefoot Rooster to find out whether or not she’d done any shaping, I found out she has a blog. A really terrific blog! It’s exactly the sort of thing I love—an interesting, thoughtful person posting lots of pictures of and talking a lot about knitting in her everyday life. She posts about all kinds of patterns and has pics of WIPs everywhere, and as often as not, there are pictures of her dog. He’s extremely handsome. His name is Boh.
So the 28thirty cardigan. Here are a couple of shots of me modeling it to give you a better idea of how it might fit.
The yarn is Peace Fleece worsted in Grass Roots. The Peace Fleece yarn is a little coarser feeling than other sweater yarns I’ve used, and I’m actually enjoying that. People say that after you wash it, it blooms and softens, so I’m anxious to see if that happens for me. A funny thing about this yarn in this particular colorway is that it reminds me a lot of one of the first sweaters I ever knit—back in high school, I think. That yarn was a grayer version of this, with similar little flecks of color everywhere. I can still remember the feel of it in my hands—like a tactile flashback. Maybe I’ll dig it out and post a pic at some point.
I’ll leave you today with one more dogwood picture:
And in honor of Barefoot Rooster’s Boh, here are my sweet pies enjoying the sunshine.
I really like the texture of the collar on that sweater!
Isn’t it cool? That’s one of my favorite things about the sweater. If you look at the FOs on Rav, you can see that some people wear the collar up, and others wear it kind of folded over. I like it both ways.