Errand Day

Today was errand day, so we got to see our friend Miss Kitty at the Feed Store. She was must have been feeling especially social because she actually left her comfy box on the shelf long enough to get some pets and help us do our shopping. We had lunch …


I have high hopes for the Calligraphy Cardigan. I’ve been searching for a go-to cardigan pattern, something that’s straightforward to knit, that meets my requirements for a cozy, button-up sweater, and that adapts well to fit different sizes of knitted-gift recipients. So far, Calligraphy is looking good. The yarn I’m …

“dirty little secrets about writing”

Knit Potion the blog is about knitting. However, given that knitting leads to thinking and thinking to knitting, it seems fair to feature the occasional eureka moment related more to thinking than knitting. Or something. Please imagine a graceful transition to the following . . . or take this opportunity …

. . . days that are the good flesh continuing

I’ve just finished up my grading for the summer term, and one student who struggled but worked extremely hard finished strong. It’s such a great feeling to see effort pay off. Her final paper was exceptional, one of the best in the class. I’m super proud of her. Aaaaand, I finished …

In The News

So I’m tempted to wait to publish this post until I have knitting pics to share. CeCe is sooooo close. Like it’s possible I might even finish it today and get to start Calligraphy close. But there’s a lot on the schedule for this afternoon, and I know how I am, …


This might be the lamest blog post ever. But here goes. Sock knitting on the porch: Sock knitting while hanging out with my dad while P mows his lawn: This wooden lawn chair is older than I am. CeCe is getting there. Tonight, we had Chocolate Infinity Pie for dessert. …

Sum Sum Summertime

Eek! How’d we get to Wednesday already? And while we’re at it, how is it that the kids are already going back to school?! It seems so early, but a lot of the schools in our area are starting this week. Time flies, for sure. This was the view from …

Read This Book

Ahhhh, how I love weekends in the summer. We’ve got a lot of fun planned—a cookout, hiking, time in the garden, knitting on CeCe . . . Yesterday was full of meetings and work, so the next couple of days will be a welcome break. I don’t have a lot …

Getting Fleeced

Today, I have been spinning “in the grease”! The course I’m taking has us begin by spinning raw, completely unprocessed fleece. That’s fleece that has come straight off the sheep. In addition to the lanolin that’s still in the wool, there are twigs and dirt and other bits of what …


Now that I’m watching for chances to capture my handknits in action, I noticed I had my Thin Edge of the Wedge scarf in my bag today. This scarf is perfect for the over air-conditioned restaurants and refrigerated grocery store aisles of summer, so it goes just about everywhere with me. Here’s today’s …