
Now that I’m watching for chances to capture my handknits in action, I noticed I had my Thin Edge of the Wedge scarf in my bag today.

Scarf In Action

This scarf is perfect for the over air-conditioned restaurants and refrigerated grocery store aisles of summer, so it goes just about everywhere with me.

Here’s today’s official handknits-in-action shot:

O and P Socks

I love these socks and wear them all the time. The yarn is Barking Dog Yarns “Opposites Attract.” The different colors always make me smile. I started these and knit about half of the orange one during a particularly contentious city council meeting in Chicago. A new commercial development was going up on the block behind our house, and we showed up at the meeting along with the rest our neighbors to freak out voice some concerns. In the end we didn’t accomplish much, but I got half a sock, and now we live in Tennessee, so it’s all good.

In other news this week, our sweet Rasta had a cracked tooth pulled. We discovered it during his annual exam. This was on the way home afterwards when he was the sleepiest boy ever.

Sleepy Rasta

I also made banana bread:

Banana Bread

Which I had for lunch the day I made it, along with an apple and coffee, and knitting.


And I started a new book—The Painter by Peter Heller. Here’s how it starts:

I never imagined I would shoot a man. Or be a father. Or live so far from the sea.


I recorded Stage 20 of the Tour while I was at Fiber Guild today, and my plan for the evening is to watch the last mountain stage and try to make some progress on poor CeCe.

Happy weekend, everyone! Hope you get to do lots of knitting!

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