
Handknit socks. I knit these in 2012. I know because they were from a mystery sock knit along I did that year. They’ve been part of my winter sock rotation ever since, but I’ve been wearing them lately on my walks. They are perfect. The pattern is Chiendent by Yvette …

Knitting Abides

Know what this is? It’s a sweater I knit in high school! That’s quite awhile ago, folks. And I wore it to class last week! This was the second sweater I ever knit. I still remember the feel of the needles in my hands and the wonder of seeing the …

Knit Potion

I don’t seem to be able to language lately, but knitting goes on. Exhibit A (etc.): Cabled Fingerless Mitts for Cari . . . That’s actually Cari’s hand wearing the mitt, which just happens to match her mug with knitted cables on it. AND she’s knitting! In other words, this picture equals a …

Checks & Balances

Talking sweaters today, not government.* Paul’s Checks & Balances sweater is off the needles! I wrote about the Good Fibrations yarn I used for this in an earlier post, and I simply cannot praise it enough. Knitting with it made me think back to one of the first sweaters I ever made. That sweater …

I love you, summer . . .

Somehow, I’ve ended up with a lovely window of down time for a couple of weeks. I’m in between summer classes, perched on the dash in the middle of the crazy long sentence that is my current editorial project. The timing couldn’t be nicer. The weather is fabulous, and this …

Heading Out

Last night, we went out to dinner for the first time in ages and then went to a play. A friend had one of the lead roles, so it was a special occasion. I had a fancy cocktail: What? You didn’t think I’d leave my knitting at home, did you? …

Handknits In Action

I love it when I’m wearing something handknit, and it turns out to be absolutely perfect for the occasion. My friend D and I went on a hike yesterday. When I was getting ready, I couldn’t decide how to dress. It was in the forties but was supposed to get …

Knitting and Erranding

So I didn’t win the 1.6 billion dollar Powerball jackpot. Shoot. I had big plans. I took heart when I heard that one of the winners was from Chino Hills, CA. That’s where my cousin lives. I sent her a message. She didn’t win either. I’m finding solace in the …

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