Spinnin’ wheel got to go ’round

The Tour de Fleece is underway! So far, I’ve been spinning about three hours a day. I think the time for this must be coming from a parallel universe because the rest of life has been busier than ever.

It’s been so crazy that my BFFF and I had to stage a clandestine getaway so we could actually speak face-to-face for a few hours. This was one variation on my attempt to pack for said spinning/catching up/commiserating.

Two knitting projects–my Hitchhiker and the second The Rain Outside. Three different choices of fiber. Spare bobbins. Bobbin winder. Lazy kate. Chocolate. Walnuts. Chips. Wine. In the end I left the bobbin winder at home and brought more chocolate.

It was divine.

We even managed to take a belated World Wide Knit In Public Day picture.

In addition to having our WIPs with us, we both happened to be wearing handknits as well. I LOVE that.

Since the Tour started, my knitting has mostly been on hold except for car rides and other times when it’s been inconvenient to spin. I’m finding that I tend to either knit or spin and not go back and forth between the two. Does anyone else do that?

Frankie is fascinated by the spinning. He doesn’t try to grab the fiber or stick his paw in the wheel like Augie occasionally does. He just wants to be involved. Sometimes, he’ll actually reach his paw out and rest it on the fiber in my lap. Other times, he’ll crawl up under my arm and literally be right in the middle of the spinning.

It’s hard work being the spinning assistant, though, so he spends the rest of the day resting up.

I’ve got more travel coming up, so I’ll be staying connected through Instagram for the next week or so. If you’re on Instagram and I’m not following you, be sure to let me know so I can.

Happy July, my friends!

I’ll leave you with this gem.




P.S. This is Cari’s packing photo for our getaway. Hahaha!





    • melinda

      When I hear it, it reminds me of how we played it for a big marching band show when I was in high school. We had a reeeeally good marching band, and that was the best show we ever did, I think. It pops into my head every year around this time. 🙂

  1. I wonder how many of our TdF teammates follow you on here. They would have seen my prep photo with the same spindle bag, a Mason jar full of Lemon drop moonshine, dark chocolate, a bottle of Pamprin and a set of rechargeable pink batteries (which drew the most comments on FB). To think, “It begins with Jesus on the Cross and ends with Cinderella…..”

    • melinda

      Hahahaha!!!! I’m going to add your photo as a postscript. LOL! And did I mention I’m thinking of assigning “it begins with Jesus on the Cross and ends with Cinderella” as a writing prompt for my composition students on the first day of class? For anyone who might be following along, this is how the lady at the hotel desk described the art installation in the hotel gallery. It turned out she was 100% accurate if you can imagine.

  2. Looks like a splendid time, Melinda, and glad to read that you were able to enjoy a clandestine spin-stravaganza with all the essentials. 🙂 Sounds much fun! And thanks for sharing the oldie but goodie. I have very good memories of that hit!

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