Randomly, on a Thursday

This has been a banner week for communication. Sometimes it seems impossible to accomplish anything when it involves appealing to far-away people I don’t know for a response. It can feel like my phone calls and emails are just wafting off into the void. The last few days have been different, …

I love you, summer . . .

Somehow, I’ve ended up with a lovely window of down time for a couple of weeks. I’m in between summer classes, perched on the dash in the middle of the crazy long sentence that is my current editorial project. The timing couldn’t be nicer. The weather is fabulous, and this …


The Crystal Palace Yarn sweater is finished and blocking. I hope to have pictures of it later this week–Monday at the latest. For such a simple, spur-of-the-moment knit, it’s turned out to be something I think I might really enjoy wearing. Today, I’ve been working on the Easy Folded Poncho. …

this fresh morning

Someone is stealing weeks. It has to be that, or how it could be June 13th?! Yikes! It turned out I wasn’t quite fully healed by the peach. It helped, but it took until the end of last week for me to feel like I was totally back on track. As …

Sleeves and Such

If it’s okay with you, I’m going to skip the part where I go on and on apologizing for the posting desert the blog has been over the last couple of weeks and get right to talking about sleeves. K? K. It’s been ages since I’ve knit a sweater with …

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder where it’s so white as snow . . .

We were snowed in for a couple of days over the weekend. It hardly ever gets so snowy and icy that we can’t get out, but Jonas was intense while it lasted. The raised beds were completely buried by the time the snow finished falling. The chickens refused to come out …

Errand Day

Today was errand day, so we got to see our friend Miss Kitty at the Feed Store. She was must have been feeling especially social because she actually left her comfy box on the shelf long enough to get some pets and help us do our shopping. We had lunch …

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