I thought you might like to see the pink stripey socks in action. I love them! When I cast off Sunday morning, I couldn’t resist wearing them even though I was headed out to work in the garden. They were super comfy. I’ve already washed and dried them, and they look as good as new, ready for next time, which might just be today!
The garden surprise on Sunday was that one of my poppies bloomed! It’s a Florist Pepperbox. It’s the first poppy I’ve ever grown from seed. I hadn’t noticed that it was about to bloom, but the second I stepped outside Sunday morning, I saw it waving in the breeze among the marigolds. It was looking a little tentative when I took this picture, but as the day went on, it opened up and started to act like it belonged.
And there was this guy. He stayed for quite awhile and kept me company while I weeded and poked around.
Here’s what I brought in from the vegetable garden.
This is the first year we’ve grown the foot-long beans. My aunt actually sent the seeds for these from her neighbor’s garden in Texas. With all the amazing things happening in the world today, one of the very most amazing to me is that a little brown seed from Texas could arrive in the mail, sit in my filing cabinet all winter, be sprouted and planted in the spring, and turn into these crazy, yummy long beans in my garden this summer. Nature will not be outdone.
Sunday night, I used zucchini and thyme from the garden to make “Creamy Zucchini, Walnut, and Thyme Soup.” It was pretty tasty, but this soda bread from the Eat Cake for Dinner blog was to die for. I seriously think I could eat it for every meal for the rest of my life and not get tired of it.
While I watched the Tour last night, I started plying the singles of the Hello Yarn Shetland I’ve been spinning. It’s a little barber poley, but I love it anyway. I think I’m going to end up with close to 400 yards, which will definitely be enough to make a nice shawl or cowl. I’m considering Xenia. I actually prefer Appia, but that design needs a less colorful yarn, I think.
Hopefully, I’ll finish up the plying today and be able to give the yarn a good soak tonight.
It’s great to see your garden doing so well. Ours is sad this year 🙁 We grew yard long chinese noodle beans in Tampa… they were red when you picked them but green when you cooked them.
Some parts are doing well. We’re learning about septoria leaf spot with our tomatoes. :-/
Do you want some of our beans?? I’ll try to remember to bring you some. 🙂