Spinning, Knitting, Summering

This is what I’ve been spinning for the Tour de Fleece.


It’s Finn in the colorway “Little Islands” from the Spunky Eclectic fiber club.

Finn from SE Fiber Club

These aren’t colors that I’d normally pick, but I’m really enjoying the shades of blue and cream. One of the great things about being part of a fiber club is expanding my color horizons. I’ll probably end up chain plying this when I’m finished with the singles. Then I was thinking I might use it for the yoke of the Garter Yoke Cardigan. What do you think?

I’ve also been working on Checks and Balances here and there. This was porch knitting this evening just before a major, much needed rainstorm rolled in.

Porch Knitting

I got this new project bag from Fringe Supply Co recently, and I love it.

Fringe Supply Co 1

It’s sturdy, so I feel like I can drag it around all over the place with me without having to worry about messing it up. It’s also got several nice pockets inside–a big one on one side and several tall narrow ones for needles and pens or pencils on the other side.


In other news, I’ve been pickling.


Picking blackberries.


Making banana bread.


And opening packages of fun things that have been arriving for the goodie bags for The Knotty Ladies fiber weekend on Roan Mountain that’s coming up at the end of the summer.


I have a little work left to do tonight, and then I’m going to get back to spinning the Finn. I’m trying to ease the pain of returning to work after my nice break by interspersing plenty of knitting and spinning. Oooh, and I’m watching The Wire. Don’t know how I missed it the first time around.



  1. Your TdF project looks great! I have blackberry (and pickle and banana bread) envy. And The Wire – I didn’t catch it the first time around and it hasn’t really grabbed me, but season 1 might just have been slow. I need to give season 2 a chance to see if I like it more. I just finished Breaking Bad and the first season of Better Call Saul.

  2. melinda

    Haha! The best thing of all is the blackberries, and I can’t take any credit for those. Thank you for the TdF encouragement! I’m enjoying the time at my wheel. It’s been awhile since I’ve done much spinning, so it feels nice to be back to it. I don’t know much at all about Better Call Saul. I will check it out!

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