Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder where it’s so white as snow . . .

Snow Day web

We were snowed in for a couple of days over the weekend. It hardly ever gets so snowy and icy that we can’t get out, but Jonas was intense while it lasted.

The raised beds were completely buried by the time the snow finished falling.

Snow Chickens web

The chickens refused to come out of their coop for a day and a half.

We took a short walk on Saturday during a break in the weather.

Snow Bees web Color web

We even used my Louet Victoria box for a make-shift sled.

Louet Sled weg

Mostly, though, we stayed inside and watched.

Augie web

And read.

Textiles web

And knitted.

Squares web

These are the squares I’ve knit on my Geek-A-Long blanket so far.

I’m still getting a big kick out of double knitting, but I took a little break to finish up my Travel Shawl. The only thing left is the border, but since I’m up to around 500 stitches at this point, it’s taking awhile to finish each round.

Snow Knitting web

How’s the weather where you are?


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