
Madigan is off the needles! It fits perfectly, and given the sweater design and the Lana Grossa Linea Pura “Fourseason” yarn, I believe this is going to be wearable year-round. It was oppressively hot the day we took these pictures–nearly 90 °F with air that hung heavy and made it …

More Rain Outside

So I’ve said this before, but The Rain Outside shawl has to be one of the most satisfying patterns I’ve ever knit. The long sections of garter stitch are perfect for finding that zoned out knitting groove, that “haven of refuge and sanity,” that knitting provides, and the lace short row …

Funtimes in Babylon

Life has been especially lifey lately. As a consequence I’ve found it necessary to cast on many things. Well, just three things, but that’s two beyond my comfort zone, especially since I still have a couple of UFOs in the wings. The first cast on is something I actually mentioned …

Junebug Farms Yarn

If you’ve read even a little bit of my blog, you know about my friend Cari. We met online back when Paul and I were planning our move to Tennessee. I had questions about chickens, so of course I turned to Ravelry. I searched for someone in NE Tennessee who’d posted about chickens, …

Checks & Balances

Talking sweaters today, not government.* Paul’s Checks & Balances sweater is off the needles! I wrote about the Good Fibrations yarn I used for this in an earlier post, and I simply cannot praise it enough. Knitting with it made me think back to one of the first sweaters I ever made. That sweater …

Rabbit Holes

Since things are feeling a bit insane around here workwise, I will make no mention of my own knitting projects today. Instead, I want to tell you about the explosion of blog serendipity that happened yesterday. I was catching up on recent posts from my favorite blogs and intending to …

Knitting Love

The Ribbed Watchman’s Hat has got to be the most basic hat ever conceived, but I love it, especially when I’m knitting for someone whose head size I don’t exactly know. Between the fold-over brim and the ribbing, it fits just about everyone. Someone who is very important in my life …

Casting On

What better way to kick off the 4th of July weekend than by casting on for a heavy wool sweater?! Woohoo! Seriously, I’m pretty excited. I started Checks and Balances for Paul. I’m using one of my absolute favorite yarns. It’s a mohair/merino blend from Good Fibrations. The mohair is the magic ingredient. It …

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