Since things are feeling a bit insane around here workwise, I will make no mention of my own knitting projects today. Instead, I want to tell you about the explosion of blog serendipity that happened yesterday.
I was catching up on recent posts from my favorite blogs and intending to keep a tight rein on my habit of following links down rabbit holes, but darn it if Fiber and Sustenance didn’t draw me in with a picture of stripey socks and desert boots. I accidentally kept reading and was reminded that she and a friend were doing a hap KAL and that I’d wanted to check out said friend’s blog over at Rosalind Craft Supplies.
Well . . . Kate of Rosalind Craft Supplies posts lots of pictures of books and knitting against which, it just so happens, I am powerless. Ten or fifteen happy minutes later, I got ahold of myself but fortunately not before I’d discovered this awesome video that Kate shared in a post about her pick for the Top Nine Television Knitters.
I LOVE this guy. And it turns out he actually did finish the bow tie!
So anyway, determined to avoid future detours and stick to the essentials, I stopped by alexand knits. I had several posts worth of catching up to do, and wouldn’t you know it? There’s this post about how Alex’s friend Carol of knit equals joy gifted her a sock pattern. That led to my checking out both Carol’s terrific blog (awesome, awesome photos!) and the sock pattern, Susan B. Anderson’s Smooth Operator Socks.
Well . . . it just so happens that there is a KAL starting for the Smooth Operator Socks in Susan B. Anderson’s Ravelry group, itty bitty knits. You know what that led to, right?
Moving on . . .
But not really. See, in the same post where Alex mentioned the Smooth Operator Socks, she talked about a Wolfberryknits post and said it was really worth checking out. Oh. My. Heavens. Check THIS POST out! It’s the best thing I’ve seen on a blog in ages. It’s about taking local fleece and dyeing it with dyes made from local plants, and spinning it, and knitting it into a glorious pair of 100% Australian socks. There are tons of pictures, and the socks are insane.
Should I mention that as I was reading the comments on the Wolfberryknits post (I told you it was bad) I came across this sentence: “I have always been attracted to shiny things. I am a life experience magpie who wants to know how things work and who collects processes like other people collect random paraphernalia.” You know I had to find that person.
Turns out, that’s narf7, and her blog is Serendipity Revisited. And yes. It’s an extremely cool blog.
That’s it. Back to work. But first, the final stop on yesterday’s out-of-control coffee break: Woman Sentenced to Five Months of Knitting for Road Rage Punch. Yes–she did, and she was. Here’s the scene of the crime:
(Picture: Cascade)
that road rage story cracked me up. i saw it on FB yesterday
Isn’t it almost too crazy to be believed?! Lolol!
Lots of fantastic information! I know too well how easy it is to go down the rabbit hole 🙂 Thanks for sharing your adventures.
Thank YOU for reading and commenting!
Knitting rabbit holes are the best!!!
Aren’t they?! The whole time I was doing this, my rabbit-hole self was telling my work self, “sorry, not sorry.” Lol!
This had me giggling all th eway through — too good! I <3 knitting rabbit holes!
And you started it! 😉
Happy to be of service 😀
That is a brilliant story! There are some strange people out there, also if I had to knit things for charity as a punishment that would be amazing, best time of my life 😛
Side note: You have pointed me to some lovely new blogs I have not seen before, thank you!
I was thinking the exact same thing about knitting as punishment. Can you imagine?!!
Yayyyy for new knitting blogs! 😉
I was thinking of knitting those socks too! LOL
Haha! It’s kind of fun that so many people are knitting them, isn’t it? 🙂
I love the pair she knit up and posted on the page and on Instagram. The colors suck me in!
Right?! I’m totally with you. I actually went on the hunt for a similar colorway and ended up ordering this – – from HDYarns.