
Remember six months ago when I finished the Caffeinated shawl? No? Well, I’m not surprised. I didn’t say much about it and didn’t even get around to photographing it until today. Blame it on this crazy year. Despite the delay, I am stoked about this shawl. The minute the pattern came …

Unraveled Wednesday

Hi, Friends! I’m checking in for Unraveled Wednesday. It’s felt like I was one of the few people on the planet who hadn’t read All the Light We Cannot See, but no more. I’ve got just a few pages left, and I now understand why my mom and my aunt …

Fall Break

Today is day one of my two-day fall break. Despite the mountain of papers waiting to be graded, I was determined to get some knitting in. Not the knit a few rows before bed kind of knitting but some actual soul soothing knitting. As an extra treat for myself, I …

Funtimes in Babylon

Life has been especially lifey lately. As a consequence I’ve found it necessary to cast on many things. Well, just three things, but that’s two beyond my comfort zone, especially since I still have a couple of UFOs in the wings. The first cast on is something I actually mentioned …

Still Yarning Along . . .

Despite the sad demise of the Yarn Along, knitting and reading continue as always here at Casa Knit Potion. It was cause for celebration when Anne Lamott’s new book arrived on my doorstep the day before yesterday. Here’s the quote from the back cover: I’m not sure I even recognize the ever-presence of …


I’m back home after a longish trip to Texas. The visit with my family was really, really good, but nothing beats getting back to my guys. I did quite a bit of knitting while I was away although I don’t have much to show for it other than the big …

Handknits In Action

I love it when I’m wearing something handknit, and it turns out to be absolutely perfect for the occasion. My friend D and I went on a hike yesterday. When I was getting ready, I couldn’t decide how to dress. It was in the forties but was supposed to get …


After what felt like a warp speed visit to Texas, I’m back at home. My mom loved her birthday scarf! It looks great on her, and she wore it a couple of times while I was there. Seeing how easy it was to wear and tie differently for different looks …


The birthday scarf is off the needles, and I love it! The pattern is pretty without being fussy which is very much my mom’s style. I can’t wait to give it to her next week.  This is the most enjoyable thing I’ve knit in quite a while. The pattern is …

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