On The Go

I’ve been traveling, and you know what that means. Knitting! In the airport bar: On the plane heading out: By the light of the full moon during my very late arrival back home Saturday night: I went to Texas to visit my mom and help out with a few things …

Meet Franklin!

Meet Franklin! A few Saturdays ago, destiny happened. Paul and I came across a local adoption event and met the orange kitty of our dreams. We’d been open to getting a second cat for a couple of years, ever since Augie showed up on our back porch as a baby and taught …


I’m back home after a longish trip to Texas. The visit with my family was really, really good, but nothing beats getting back to my guys. I did quite a bit of knitting while I was away although I don’t have much to show for it other than the big …

Happy Friday

In honor of the Anatomy and Physiology class I’m currently taking (more about that later, maybe) and this week’s lesson on the senses, today’s post is an ode to the special senses which my textbook tells me are smell, taste, sight, hearing, and balance. Let’s start with smell. Wednesday was …

Sleeves and Such

If it’s okay with you, I’m going to skip the part where I go on and on apologizing for the posting desert the blog has been over the last couple of weeks and get right to talking about sleeves. K? K. It’s been ages since I’ve knit a sweater with …

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