On The Go

I’ve been traveling, and you know what that means. Knitting!

In the airport bar:

On the plane heading out:

By the light of the full moon during my very late arrival back home Saturday night:

I went to Texas to visit my mom and help out with a few things there. My mom and my aunt are both knitters too although my mom should probably be considered a lapsed knitter since she hasn’t picked up her needles in ages. I’m doing my best to bring her back into the fold!

My aunt is left-handed, so it always fascinates me to watch her.

Her precious kitty Lola wanted to help. Haha!

Even though I took three different projects with me, I spent the whole time working on my second The Rain Outside shawl. It was the one that didn’t require much focus, and since we were on the go the whole time, that was what I needed. Plus, this Hedgehog Fibres yarn seems to have a direct link to my brain cells because every time I look at it I’m flooded with happy.

I haven’t made as much progress as one might think because we were so busy the whole time I was there and I had to spend some of my prime travel knitting time on the airplane catching up on work. I’m hoping to pick up the pace a bit now that I’m home, though.

What are you knitting this summer? I’m thinking my next project should be something in cotton or maybe a cotton/linen blend, so I’m looking for inspiration.




  1. If you want to get a closer look at leftie knitting/crocheting, etc, Mom is left-handed. She used to teach needlework for the left-handed courses in adult ed for years. Happy to have you home – can’t wait to catch up.

    • melinda

      Thank you, Katherine! I’m really enjoying this pattern even though it’s the second time I’ve knit it. Isn’t that funny about travel knitting? The even funnier thing is that I always worry and worry that it will turn out I haven’t brought enough. LOL

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