Deep Breath
This was just about to be the first month without a post since November 2014 . . . Nope! ð
This was just about to be the first month without a post since November 2014 . . . Nope! ð
I’m trying to live deliberately these days. There’s so much to be swept up in. I know you know what I mean. World things, family things, living life things . . . It can be overwhelming. I’m looking for solid ground. Knitting is solid ground. I’m slowly making progress on the sleeves of …
Since things are feeling a bit insane around here workwise, I will make no mention of my own knitting projects today. Instead, I want to tell you about the explosion of blog serendipity that happened yesterday. I was catching up on recent posts from my favorite blogs and intending to …
Since all I have to show you today is the Crystal Palace yarn sweater in pieces, how’s about a list of cool knitting blogs? I’m forever in search of great blogs. I love following along with other knitters and seeing their projects and how they do things day by day. …
I may be brain dead. I can’t think of a single interesting thing to say. Here are some pictures. Rye soda bread: This was amazing! I looked at a couple of recipes and then just ended up winging it. It’s basically plain old soda bread with rye flour. It was …
I was enjoying a post on building a handmade wardrobe over at this morning when I came across the following comment by someone named “jackiemania”: This is something I’m trying to work on (slowly but surely) too. Last week I was sick and I felt so much better because I had …
Did you know that the Oxford Junior Dictionary no longer includes the words hamster, heron, herring, kingfisher, lark, leopard, lobster, magpie, minnow, mussel, newt, otter, ox, oyster and panther? The Guardian and The New Yorker both published articles about this in January, but I was apparently doing something other than reading …
I brought the creeping crud home with me from my trip. I’ve got a miserable cold. It’s nothing that won’t pass, but it makes me not want to do anything but sit around and feel sorry for myself. Know what I mean? There is no shortage of work stacked up, …
Barefoot Rooster posted this in January 2010. I think I’ve probably mentioned before that every now and then I find a blog I like well enough that I go back and read it from the beginning. I did this with Jean Miles, and Franklin Habit, and Crochet with Raymond, and right now, I’m …
Happy Tuesday, my friends! I made it through my crazy weekend of work and am happily back in the regular groove. I actually finished earlier than I’d expected on Sunday, so I had some time for weeding the garden, going for a walk (where I saw these beauties): Making my …