
One of the only circumstances under which I can imagine posting here without a single fiber-related photo is the one in which I currently find myself, that of having a new puppy in the house! Blog friends, meet Django. He came home with us on Tuesday, his seven-week birthday. Lola instantly …

There and Back Again

I’ve been spending a lot of time in Texas with my mom lately. It’s not easy to get there from where we live. Bad weather doesn’t help. On the most recent trip, there were several hours of this: A couple of hours of this: About half a day of this: …

Still Yarning Along . . .

Despite the sad demise of the Yarn Along, knitting and reading continue as always here at Casa Knit Potion. It was cause for celebration when Anne Lamott’s new book arrived on my doorstep the day before yesterday. Here’s the quote from the back cover: I’m not sure I even recognize the ever-presence of …


  If you haven’t read Kate Davies’ blog post today, I highly recommend it. The whole post is excellent, as always, but one detail blew me away. Kate is interviewing Mary Jane Mucklestone, and she asks if MJM has a favorite piece of historic Fair Isle knitting. MJM goes on to …

Randomly, on a Thursday

This has been a banner week for communication. Sometimes it seems impossible to accomplish anything when it involves appealing to far-away people I don’t know for a response. It can feel like my phone calls and emails are just wafting off into the void. The last few days have been different, …

I love you, summer . . .

Somehow, I’ve ended up with a lovely window of down time for a couple of weeks. I’m in between summer classes, perched on the dash in the middle of the crazy long sentence that is my current editorial project. The timing couldn’t be nicer. The weather is fabulous, and this …

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