Things I’m Loving On This Monday

Since the ability to write meaningfully about ideas, even knitting ones, has apparently left me, here are some miscellaneous things I’m loving on this Monday.

These Chilean Men taking their needles to the streets:



The February #yarnlovechallenge happening on Instagram. I blogged about Lola’s short-lived sweater here:




Meryl Streep’s comment about knitting:

Streep admits that she spends much of her time on set knitting and finds the hobby to be therapeutic: “For me it was a place to gather my thoughts and understand the contemplative (life) … it’s a sort of clearing out place.”


This leftover Beef(less) Bourguignon I had for breakfast:



And most of all, my pink pussy hat, made with love by my wonderful Cari:



Wishing you peace, love, and lots of knitting, my friends!



    • melinda

      Thank you so much, Paula! I usually avoid recipes with meat alternatives because I don’t like meat, but this one caught my eye. I was surprised by how tasty it was! We had it over noodles for dinner, and I actually think that worked out better than the rice. The recipe was definitely good enough to make again! The real shocker was how much Paul liked it. He is dedicated a meat eater, so for him to want to have it again is saying something. 😉

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