Help A Knitter Out

A couple of weeks ago I went to a class on small fruit trees hosted by our local Master Gardener group. I brought my knitting, of course, and this attracted the attention of a fellow class member. Turns out, this gentleman (my new friend David) had been looking for a knitter. …


  If you haven’t read Kate Davies’ blog post today, I highly recommend it. The whole post is excellent, as always, but one detail blew me away. Kate is interviewing Mary Jane Mucklestone, and she asks if MJM has a favorite piece of historic Fair Isle knitting. MJM goes on to …

Happy Friday!

Since the current state of knitting here at Chez Knit Potion is mostly my looking longingly at my WIPs while I remind myself to get back to work, I thought I’d take a page out of last week’s book and share some of the  fun links I’ve come across online over the last few …

In the Brain Cell that Used to Be Occupied by News of Mariah Carey’s Dog Walking Attire

Today, I finished my grading for this term, and I took a shower. I refuse to let the fact that I changed from one pair of pajamas into another pair of pajamas detract from these accomplishments in any way. In addition to these highlights, I drank a lot of coffee, …

Off to the Pokey, Knitter!

What would you do if knitting were against the law? Can you imagine?! It was once. I just learned this fascinating bit of information today. Apparently, in the early 1600s, Channel Islanders were forbidden by law from knitting during harvest season. On the Island of Jersey, knitters actually had to …

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