Handspun Mitts

Remember that Hello Yarn club fiber I spun during Spinzilla? I think I mentioned that I wanted to knit a pair of fingerless mitts with it. Well, here they are! I REALLY love them. The pattern is Easy Peasy Fingerless Mitts by Jennifer Casa. It’s wonderful in its simplicity. Basically, you just …


So the BFF socks are off the needles. For some reason I feel compelled to share that they aren’t right. The pattern is great, the yarn is luscious . . . but the knitter wasn’t paying attention. You can kind of see it here:  See how the right one is …

Handspun Storm Cloud

Finished, soaked, and blocked Storm Cloud late last night, and managed to get some pics today.  I think I’m really going to enjoy wearing this. I’m taking it with me to Texas for the plane and any other cool spots I might run into. I kind of hope there are …

Labor Day

Calligraphy è finito! It’s not a well-knit sweater because I’m a goof and didn’t swatch. I could try to defend the not swatching by explaining how I got gauge to the millimeter with the last swatch I did, and the sweater ended up way too big. I think that in that …

Getting Fleeced

Today, I have been spinning “in the grease”! The course I’m taking has us begin by spinning raw, completely unprocessed fleece. That’s fleece that has come straight off the sheep. In addition to the lanolin that’s still in the wool, there are twigs and dirt and other bits of what …

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