So the BFF socks are off the needles. For some reason I feel compelled to share that they aren’t right. The pattern is great, the yarn is luscious . . . but the knitter wasn’t paying attention.
You can kind of see it here:
See how the right one is shorter than the left one? I used the same size needles, and the socks have the same number of cables, but when I was knitting the one on the right, I crossed the cable one row early several times. Fewer rows = shorter sock. Imagine me crying quietly into the sleeve of my blue bath robe. Even Lola looks a little dismayed.
Earlier in the day when I was working on Sock #2, I was enjoying the idea of wearing these until they fell apart sometime in the far off future.
And Lola wasn’t the least bit worried about the already finished secretly shorter first sock.
Alas . . . I think the moral of this story is don’t knit something where you have to pay attention during a tense football game. I was rooting for Baylor during the leg of that first one.
Oh, well. I thought about redoing it, and I guess I’m still kind of thinking about it, but I’m not really in the mood to knit another blue sock right now. We’ll see.
In the meantime there’s always the glorious handspun I’m going to use to make myself some fingerless mitts.
And banana bread.
I’m so sorry – to put all that work into it and find out at the end that it’s not right. 🙁
It’s okay – it’s not seriously not right, just sort of annoyingly not right. I’ve been wearing them, and I love they way they fit and feel.