
Tin Can Knits’ Clayoquot has been in my Ravelry queue for years. Years. It’s the steeking. That’s the reason it landed in my queue in the first place and also the reason it’s been there for so long. I’ve been working my way up to it in my mind. Of …

Junebug Farms Yarn

If you’ve read even a little bit of my blog, you know about my friend Cari. We met online back when Paul and I were planning our move to Tennessee. I had questions about chickens, so of course I turned to Ravelry. I searched for someone in NE Tennessee who’d posted about chickens, …

Rabbit Holes

Since things are feeling a bit insane around here workwise, I will make no mention of my own knitting projects today. Instead, I want to tell you about the explosion of blog serendipity that happened yesterday. I was catching up on recent posts from my favorite blogs and intending to …

Sleeves and Such

If it’s okay with you, I’m going to skip the part where I go on and on apologizing for the posting desert the blog has been over the last couple of weeks and get right to talking about sleeves. K? K. It’s been ages since I’ve knit a sweater with …

Ugh . . .

I brought the creeping crud home with me from my trip. I’ve got a miserable cold. It’s nothing that won’t pass, but it makes me not want to do anything but sit around and feel sorry for myself. Know what I mean? There is no shortage of work stacked up, …

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