
Tin Can Knits’ Clayoquot has been in my Ravelry queue for years. Years. It’s the steeking. That’s the reason it landed in my queue in the first place and also the reason it’s been there for so long. I’ve been working my way up to it in my mind. Of …

Fall Break

Today is day one of my two-day fall break. Despite the mountain of papers waiting to be graded, I was determined to get some knitting in. Not the knit a few rows before bed kind of knitting but some actual soul soothing knitting. As an extra treat for myself, I …

Help A Knitter Out

A couple of weeks ago I went to a class on small fruit trees hosted by our local Master Gardener group. I brought my knitting, of course, and this attracted the attention of a fellow class member. Turns out, this gentleman (my new friend David) had been looking for a knitter. …

Meet Franklin!

Meet Franklin! A few Saturdays ago, destiny happened. Paul and I came across a local adoption event and met the orange kitty of our dreams. We’d been open to getting a second cat for a couple of years, ever since Augie showed up on our back porch as a baby and taught …

Yarn Along

I really love the Wednesday Yarn Along. Ginny Sheller hosts this weekly what-you’re-knitting and what-you’re-reading photo op on her blog, Small Things. Stop by for links to what are usually close to a hundred blog posts on the topic. It’s guaranteed to give you a lift. This week I’m reading If Nights …

Randomly, on a Thursday

This has been a banner week for communication. Sometimes it seems impossible to accomplish anything when it involves appealing to far-away people I don’t know for a response. It can feel like my phone calls and emails are just wafting off into the void. The last few days have been different, …

Sleeves and Such

If it’s okay with you, I’m going to skip the part where I go on and on apologizing for the posting desert the blog has been over the last couple of weeks and get right to talking about sleeves. K? K. It’s been ages since I’ve knit a sweater with …

Keeping On Keeping On

Howdy, knitters! Sorry for the radio silence around here. I’ve been knitting, working, yoga-ing, reading, knitting . . . you know, the usual. There has been ongoing Geek-A-Long knitting, and the most recent square was a challenge! Check it out: This is the Psychonauts square. See the question marks in the bottom …

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