
Thank heavens for the Arne and Carlos quarantine knitting Mystery KAL and daily podcast. The podcasts are upbeat and funny and sweet. There is an enormous warm Facebook group with people from all over the world knitting, crocheting, embroidering, and otherwise working the patterns and uplifting each other. And the …

Bird by Bird

A week or so ago, on a day that wasn’t going so well, I posed a question to the members of a small knitting forum I’m part of. I asked people to share an experience in which knitting had helped them through a difficult time. There were a number of …

Funtimes in Babylon

Life has been especially lifey lately. As a consequence I’ve found it necessary to cast on many things. Well, just three things, but that’s two beyond my comfort zone, especially since I still have a couple of UFOs in the wings. The first cast on is something I actually mentioned …

Knit Potion

I don’t seem to be able to language lately, but knitting goes on. Exhibit A (etc.): Cabled Fingerless Mitts for Cari . . . That’s actually Cari’s hand wearing the mitt, which just happens to match her mug with knitted cables on it. AND she’s knitting! In other words, this picture equals a …

Checks & Balances

Talking sweaters today, not government.* Paul’s Checks & Balances sweater is off the needles! I wrote about the Good Fibrations yarn I used for this in an earlier post, and I simply cannot praise it enough. Knitting with it made me think back to one of the first sweaters I ever made. That sweater …

Knit Potion

There’s a reason this blog is called Knit Potion. More often than not, knitting and, just as importantly, KNITTERS make things better. Thanks to today’s post over at Yards of Happiness, I now know about #knitterspayitforward. What a wonderful community we have. I’m not sure how I’ll be participating yet, but …

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