This Neckline

Do you know about Mati Ventrillon? She’s the French-Venezuelan architect turned knitwear designer who made the news a couple of years ago when Chanel featured some of her designs without attributing them to her. She lives on Fair Isle (along with only 54 other people) and spends the year caring for a flock …

My People

I’m lucky enough to call all of the people interviewed and mentioned in this article friends. During these days when counting blessings is essential, I consider this a big one.

Happy Friday!

Since the current state of knitting here at Chez Knit Potion is mostly my looking longingly at my WIPs while I remind myself to get back to work, I thought I’d take a page out of last week’s book and share some of the  fun links I’ve come across online over the last few …

My Best Companion

This video interview with Kaffe Fassett is absolutely wonderful. I came across it on My Sister’s Knitter and am so thankful I did. It’s been around since 2012, so I don’t know how I haven’t already seen it, but I’m thinking it’s one of those things that just came up at …

In The News

Check out this article: Oceanography Yarn-Bombed. The research vessel Falkor has an artist-in-residence, and she happens to be a knitter! I don’t know exactly why I love this so much, but I do.   A photo posted by spam KNITsubi (@spamknitsubi) on Mar 8, 2016 at 11:44am PST   While …

F is for . . .

Today’s post is brought to you by the letter “F”—as in, finished object, forests, and famous walkers. Here’s the finished object. The Travel Shawl is off the needles! It was a great knit. I’ll say more about it later when I get some better photos, but the bottom line is …

Don’t Ask, Walk!

No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life. There may be countless trails and bridges and demigods who would gladly carry you across; but only at the price of pawning and forgoing yourself. There is one path in the …


Hello, Knitting People! I hope everyone is doing okay out there. I’m grading end-of-term papers and getting ready for my trip to Texas. On the knitting front, I’m making slow progress on the border of the Travel Shawl. It was warm enough outside today to sit on the porch and …

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