Weekending . . .

Do you know about the Scrap Yarn Sock Advent Calendar? I’ve been waiting for this year’s knit along ever since I realized I’d just missed it last year. Every day, starting December 1st, you get instructions for that day’s stripe. By the end of Advent, you have a pair of …


  A post on the Brain Pickings Facebook page started me thinking about Jane Kenyon earlier this week. Her poem “Otherwise” gets in my head from time to time and stays there. I find the truth of it both wonderful and awful.   Otherwise I got out of bed on two strong …

Friends in High Places

My dear friend Cari has written a funny, thought provoking, inspiring, makes-you-want-to-pull-up-your-britches-and-do-something-amazing account of her trip to see the fiber arts exhibit at the Bellefonte Museum in Pennsylvania this weekend. A piece of her artwork figured prominently in the show, and this was something that turned her inside out in all …

Crochet Potion

Hello, Friends — I’m still here. Feels like the world is upside down these days. In our corner we’ve had sick chickens and a burst well pipe on the list of worries. This is going on behind my house right now. Even the weather is strange. We’re having wind gusts …


I may be brain dead. I can’t think of a single interesting thing to say. Here are some pictures. Rye soda bread: This was amazing! I looked at a couple of recipes and then just ended up winging it. It’s basically plain old soda bread with rye flour. It was …

Checking In

Happy Thursday, knitting people! I’m just popping in as promised to say a quick hello during my work marathon. There is definitely a light at the end of the editing tunnel, and the Tour de Fleece starts on Saturday, so things are looking up. My knitting is all at a …

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