
Paris Review Tweet

In the last two minutes while I should have been working but instead have been looking at Twitter, I’ve learned:

What I actually want to be doing right now is knitting Calligraphy. I should finish up the body today and be on to the sleeves by tomorrow. I snuck in an hour or so of porch knitting earlier, and it was wonderful.

Porch Knitting 2

This is Rasta attempting to delay the inevitable when it became clear I had to get back to work.

Porch Knitting 1

I’m starting to think about the next project, and I’m pretty sure it will involve another sweater. I’ve been wanting to knit gramps practically forever. It offers the benefit of lots of mindless stockinette, and since I’ll be traveling to visit family in a couple of weeks, there would be advantages to having something I could work on easily while chatting and running around. I’ve also got a number of Thea Coleman’s gorgeous cardis on my to-knit list. One of those would be fun. Hmmm . . .

Of course, there’s always the option of casting on for two projects.

I found this single fall leaf in the yard yesterday evening. I wonder if it was a sign that it’s okay to go ahead and knit all the sweaters.

Fall Leaf


  1. Twitter is like Pinterest for me. Or Potato Chips. Once I start, I get sucked in. Apparently sweater knitting is also like that for you 🙂 Unless we get more foggy days this last week of August, we’re supposed to get 2 snows this winter. Local legend has it that the # of foggy mornings in August equal the number of snows in the winter. I’ve seen two. You’ll need at least one sweater per snow.

Talk to me!