Memorial Day

This Memorial Day we watched Born on the Fourth of July. I’d never seen it. The film is based on Ron Kovic’s autobiography of the same name, and it was sobering—not enjoyable but important. Many of my students are in the service, and sometimes they write about the friends they’ve lost. It keeps me very much aware that Memorial Day isn’t only about the past.

I should have worked today, but I didn’t, much. Instead, I took in the beautiful weather. I went to yoga. I finished the stripey socks.

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I made bread.

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I felt grateful to be here, living the life I live, and I spent time thinking about what others have done to make this life possible. 


  1. melinda

    Hahaha! Well . . . since someone was kind enough to take the bread machine off my hands, I now have room for a baking stone and a number of other less mechanized kitchen tools. I’m contemplating pie crust without the aid of my food processor next. Need a food processor? 😉

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