Freelance Woes And Other Tales Of Self Pity

I just looked up “slammed” in the dictionary to see how accurately it defined my current situation. Of the traditional definitions, I think “push or put somewhere with great force” comes the closest. Let’s try it in a sentence: “Pounded mercilessly into the fetid corner of forty-seven zillion deadlines, the freelancer was slammed by work.” That sounds about right.

Despite the title of this post, that’s really my only tale of woe at the moment. Being out of town for several days and then allowing myself to be seduced into idleness by the beautiful weather after I got back has put me in a bit of a bind workwise. But it will be better, one way or another, by Monday. I didn’t want to go that long without posting, though, so here are a few pics to fill the gap.

This first one is from Tuesday. I was knitting on the Pi Shawl and waiting for the blonde to happen.

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The picture below is from today. In the midst of the work craziness, I had to take a short knitting break. I cast on a pair of toe-up socks in the first installment of yarn from the String Theory Colorworks Sock Club.

Did I mention that I joined a sock club (or two) during my last work nightmare? The cute bag makes me very happy, as does the funky self-striping yarn with the complementary heel and toe color. The yarn base is called “Inertia.” It’s an 80/20 blend of  Merino and Nylon. I think I’m really going to like the way it knits up.

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And finally, since we haven’t had any kitty pics lately, here is an especially handsome kitty foot.

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And here is the whole handsome kitty.

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Be well, my friends. And knit on!

Talk to me!

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