So it turns out that the up side of the weighty heart-fullness I was feeling earlier this week was the joy I got to experience this weekend. The wedding that occasioned The Wedding Afghan happened, and it was everything you’d ever want a wedding to be. It was like the giant wheels of the world stopped spinning for a minute and let a little group of people be absolutely happy.
The tank is full. I know that all of us who were there this weekend will ride for miles and miles on the love. The bride—my oldest and dearest friend—was radiant. You hear people describe a glowing bride, and sometimes the words are just the ones it seems appropriate to say. Not this time. J was shining–gorgeous and happy and channeling some kind of crazy amazing energy that affected everyone there. And her groom was the person she deserves, someone so right I had to keep pinching myself to make sure it was all real and that he wasn’t just someone I’d dreamed for her.
My own wedding is one of my happiest memories. I married the love of my life, on a splendid day, surrounded and affirmed by people dear to my heart. Despite this, I realize I’ve continued to side with Shakespeare on the happy ending front. His weddings are always peppered with subtle indications that the happily-ever-afters they announce are up for grabs. And when has Shakespeare ever been wrong about human nature? This weekend’s wedding has made me rethink my skepticism, though.
Maybe, I’ve been missing something. Maybe when the bride and groom are right for each other and the people gathered to help them formally mark the start of their life together believe in and love them, maybe then the motions we go through to signal the occasion are more than motions.
Maybe our standing up for our friends and raising a glass and dancing late into the night to celebrate with them really are the magic they seemed to be this weekend . . .
That I was able to give J and J the afghan I knit for them, something with blessings and good energy in every stitch, meant a lot to me. I hope they feel the love every time they snuggle under it.
As for trip knitting, the Pi Shawl got some:
And the second stripey sock:
And what about the dog? There has to be a dog, right?
This precious girl took care of that:
It looks like you had a wonderful time!