Randomly, on a Thursday

This has been a banner week for communication. Sometimes it seems impossible to accomplish anything when it involves appealing to far-away people I don’t know for a response. It can feel like my phone calls and emails are just wafting off into the void. The last few days have been different, …

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder where it’s so white as snow . . .

We were snowed in for a couple of days over the weekend. It hardly ever gets so snowy and icy that we can’t get out, but Jonas was intense while it lasted. The raised beds were completely buried by the time the snow finished falling. The chickens refused to come out …


Where to start? (Please ignore Elvis the Rooster for the moment.) Sometimes I don’t know if I’m fifty or five. I’ve been in an absolute funk for days because yarn I ordered to start my Geek-A-Long blanket seemed to have disappeared in transit. I placed the order at the end …

Not Yet, Winter

This weekend was all about fall.  The leaves are shockingly beautiful. It’s surprising again and again that they they can be so vivid. I keep trying to soak it all in so I’ll have it in the dark and cold that will be here before long. I’ve been spending as …


My husband always says that you plan plans—you don’t plan results. Today, as on many other days, he was proven right.  My schedule involved a set of papers that needed to be graded, an editorial project that needed work, and a couple of errands, in addition to all the regular …

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