Knit Potion

I don’t seem to be able to language lately, but knitting goes on. Exhibit A (etc.): Cabled Fingerless Mitts for Cari . . . That’s actually Cari’s hand wearing the mitt, which just happens to match her mug with knitted cables on it. AND she’s knitting! In other words, this picture equals a …

Junebug Farms Yarn

If you’ve read even a little bit of my blog, you know about my friend Cari. We met online back when Paul and I were planning our move to Tennessee. I had questions about chickens, so of course I turned to Ravelry. I searched for someone in NE Tennessee who’d posted about chickens, …


After what felt like a warp speed visit to Texas, I’m back at home. My mom loved her birthday scarf! It looks great on her, and she wore it a couple of times while I was there. Seeing how easy it was to wear and tie differently for different looks …

Handspun Mitts

Remember that Hello Yarn club fiber I spun during Spinzilla? I think I mentioned that I wanted to knit a pair of fingerless mitts with it. Well, here they are! I REALLY love them. The pattern is Easy Peasy Fingerless Mitts by Jennifer Casa. It’s wonderful in its simplicity. Basically, you just …

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