Funtimes in Babylon

Life has been especially lifey lately. As a consequence I’ve found it necessary to cast on many things. Well, just three things, but that’s two beyond my comfort zone, especially since I still have a couple of UFOs in the wings. The first cast on is something I actually mentioned …

The Rain Outside

It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed knitting something as much as I enjoyed knitting The Rain Outside. What a great pattern! I will be forever indebted to Dana over at Yards of Happiness for posting gorgeous version after gorgeous version after gorgeous version of this design until I could no longer …


I’m back home after a longish trip to Texas. The visit with my family was really, really good, but nothing beats getting back to my guys. I did quite a bit of knitting while I was away although I don’t have much to show for it other than the big …

The Travel Shawl

I might be in love with the Travel Shawl. Folded in half it’s a cozy shoulder wrap. Opened up, it’s a bigger wrap. Or even a small blanket. And it’s a fairly quick knit. I knit all but a tiny bit of the beginning and the outer edge during a …

This Shawl!

  Spring has come to the mountains! It was 85 degrees today, and the dogwoods are blooming. I need to take a picture of them to show you. They were blooming when we moved here two years ago, and it seemed like a good omen—first, because anything having to to do …

This Time of Year

Is it always this stressful in December, or is it just 2014? Or just me? Work is crazy busy, daylight is brief, holiday-related expectations are high. I’m knitting, knitting, knitting, every spare second, and that helps keep the demons at bay, but wow—it’ hard to breathe sometimes. This article on …


The lace bug has bitten again. It was an email from Craftsy today that did it. They were advertising Myra Wood’s “Crazy Lace” class. I’m not sure whether I’ll take the class or just buy her book, but one or the other is definitely in my future. The Amazon description …

Friday Thoughts

Guess what. Jean Miles has started a new, once-in-a-lifetime lace shawl, the Unst Bridal Shawl. Can you believe it? As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’m currently following along in 2006 as Jean knits the Princess Shawl, and the whole idea of this kind of immense project has taken …

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