Off to the Pokey, Knitter!

What would you do if knitting were against the law? Can you imagine?! It was once. I just learned this fascinating bit of information today. Apparently, in the early 1600s, Channel Islanders were forbidden by law from knitting during harvest season. On the Island of Jersey, knitters actually had to …

The Book in the Drawer

I knew someone once who used to talk about the “book in the drawer.” The “book in the drawer” was the one that was so good you couldn’t stop reading it. All you wanted to do was keep reading that book. You read it everywhere, all the time, and even …

Good For What Ails You

You know that moment when the stars align and everything finally makes sense? Me neither. Sometimes I think I’m there, but then life gets rockin’ and rollin’ again, and off we go. I have a strategy, though. I’ve learned that knitting is a wonder drug. It’s the magic potion. It’s …