“When it’s cold she wears a mitten and a glove . . . “

This has been a hole up and chill out kind of afternoon. I’m in a perfect little spot of in-between with work. I finished up an editorial project around noon, and I don’t get the next project until Monday. Also, I’m between classes until Monday. I was suddenly free.

So I made soup.

Cabbage Soup

This is really pretty good. It’s sweet and sour cabbage soup, which I’ve always liked but never tried making myself. It’s basically this recipe with a few minor adaptations. Perfect for the kind of wet, chilly weather we’re having right now.

I also snuggled and sock knitted.

Lola Augie Sock

And I thought about the mittens I’m going to knit with some of the handspun I spin during Spinzilla next week. I’m liking these and these and these.

Through it all, I listened to The Wood Brothers’ new album, Paradise, which was released today. The music is great, and their lyrics are awesome as always. The title of this post is a line from “Singin’ to Strangers.”

On the agenda for tonight is my first fall cider, pizza for dinner, and the last two episodes of Homeland, Season 4. Season 5 starts on Sunday. Woohoo!

Talk to me!

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