Checking In

It’s been several days since I posted, so I just wanted to check in and say hi. Here are a few pics to give you an idea of what I’ve been up to. I cast on the second of my purple and red stripey socks while having lunch at the local diner.

Diner Cast On

Progress has been happening on the wedding afghan.

Wedding Afghan

Rudimentary bean tower for foot-long beans has been erected, and beans and other seedlings are in the ground.

Bean Tower

Last night we had dinner at a restaurant near the Appalachian Trail. It’s a combination hostel, restaurant, hiker refuel station.  Every Friday and Saturday night during the summer they have fried catfish. The restaurant has recently opened for the season, so this was the 2015 inaugural dinner. I knitted while we waited for our food.

Dinner Knitting

And this sweetie spent the night hitting us up for wayward french fries. Code adherence is spotty out here. And I’m okay with that.

Baby 2

More soon. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. You’re going to love the foot long beans. We grew Chinese Red Noodle Beans in Tampa, they were over 2′ long, and really good. Let us know next time you’re headed up to Hemlock Hollow – the burgers are nummy. 🙂

    • melinda

      I hope they make it, Cari. They’re looking a little challenged at the moment. Would love to go to HH together. Friday was totally spur of the moment, but we will make a plan!

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