I Missed You!

Oh, my knitters—I’ve missed you! I got on a post-every-day roll there for awhile and was really enjoying checking in regularly, but then life happened. You know what I mean—work got crazy, things that were done suddenly became undone, etc.

The fact that the last episode of The Americans aired on Wednesday should have been a sign. Do you ever feel a little lost when a television series ends for the season? That show was such a dependable, relaxing anchor for my week. No matter what else was going on, I knew it would be an hour of solid entertainment. The plot is smart and interesting, and Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys are really good—especially Keri Russell. It’s like she taps into an extra register to communicate on screen. She’s REALLY good. But alas . . . no more Americans until next year.

Somehow, despite the craziness, there was knitting. 28thirty is finished! Here it is soaking:


And blocking:


I just need to add buttons. Better pics coming soon!


Today, was fiber guild. I took edamame salad:

Edamame Salad

And I got my kitty fix for the month. This is Barry White. He’s wonderful. He’s supervising.


I’m knitting a pillow cover with my handspun. More details on that tomorrow. I hope you are all well. Happy knitting!



  1. That handspun you’re knitting with is even prettier in person. And you like Barry White because he doesn’t bite you every time you touch him. Not all of us are that lucky. He’s a master of mixed messages.

Talk to me!

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