I love you, summer . . .

Somehow, I’ve ended up with a lovely window of down time for a couple of weeks. I’m in between summer classes, perched on the dash in the middle of the crazy long sentence that is my current editorial project. The timing couldn’t be nicer.

The weather is fabulous, and this past week, I’ve gotten to do all sorts of decadent things including taking my wheel to the creek to spin.


I also went hiking with my friend D. We like to trek out to this little waterfall.


The going is strenuous at times but not overly so, and the reward is this pretty spot at the end. Plus . . . you almost always meet a dog or three. Today, we visited with this sweetie. Her name is Cocoa. She’s eleven years young. She’s apparently been hiking with her dad and her two human sisters since she was a puppy, so she’s kind of a pro.


She approved of my handknit socks.

Handknits In Action

Other things I’ve gotten to do this week are work in the garden:


And do yoga on the deck:


Snuggle with Augie in the mornings:

Augie Paw

And watch the sun set in the evenings:


Isn’t summer wonderful?

On the knitting front, the big blue rectangle is finished. Pictures of that next time. Be well, my friends.



    • melinda

      Oh, definitely do it! It’s happened for me kind of by accident, and I had no idea how much I needed it. I think my shoulders are at least an inch or two further away from my ears than they were before. 😉

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